Next CIO Awards

Recognising the rising stars of the UK IT sector

David Wilde

Former CIO, Essex Country Council
Advisor, GovX

A Fellow of the Institute of Directors with over 30 years in central and local government leadership spanning policy, large scale operations, strategy and whole service transformation, I have a wealth of experience in the public sector specialising in technology, digital and information leadership and provides consultancy services in these fields. As a business we have a wide and deep range of knowledge and experience across public services, helping organisations envision and embed digital at a spatial, societal and economic level to support places in their drive to be fit for the future in terms of quality of life, work, prosperity, learning and leisure.

On technology in particular I am an avid believer in infrastructure free services through the adoption of platforms, ubiquitous network architectures and user centred design and delivery through market ready components. I have successfully deployed organisation wide IT and service transformation in 9 different organisations, 4 in the last 2 years, enabling organisations to maximise their investment in technology for successful delivery of services